free telegram members

free telegram members Free Telegram Member Increase Site - There are two main types of Telegram members increase

Free Telegram Member Increase Site - There are two main types of Telegram members increase. Increase fake channel member and increase real channel member.

Increase free telegram members

To increase the members for free , you can download the following Android software, and after installing it and collecting coins, you can get the membership for free, these members are only for Telegram channels.

By becoming a member and seeing other people's posts, you can collect coins for yourself in this software and get a member for your Telegram channel completely free of charge. To increase your channel members, it must be public.

To increase your Telegram membership for free, you must collect a number of primary members for your channel. For example, you must collect about 10 real members, and then by placing attractive and quality posts in your channel, you can make members post Send you to your acquaintances and friends and increase your free channel membership.

Telegram fake member increase site

Increasing fake members is very necessary and useful for newly established channels, as you know, users must pay attention to the number of members of that channel to subscribe to the channel. For this reason, channels with less than 10 ka members see more downtime when advertising and capturing real members.

Telegram real member increase site

There are two ways to increase the actual member: the first method is to add real members compulsorily and the second method is to add a real member using pop-up ads.

In the method of forced editing, members are forcibly added to your channel without knowing it due to the software installed on their mobile phones.

This method has a significant drop and you can say that you will see an initial drop of 40%, of course The actual loss of a member depends on the type of activity and the quality of the channel posts.

In the pop-up advertising method, users will see your ad as a text pop-up when using the applications inside their mobile phone, and if they wish, they will click on the ad and enter your channel, and if they wish, they will be added to the channel. . This method has less loss than the forced ed method, but in this method you will also see a 20-30% drop.

To register an order and purchase a member, you can enter the member purchase page from the menu at the top of the page and register your order. Fake member orders take about 1 hour for each member, and real member orders are delivered within 24 hours. .

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